This game... The only reason I can imagine its not in the Top Ten of the App Store is because its made by an indie studio (which it is) that is kind of down on its luck (which Blackish Studios is). The story is compelling, the physics are fantastic, and the gravitation engine is just plain great. If only this game got more attention, it would definitely be one of the App Stores all-time greats. However, due to a lack of funds, Blackish cant pay to have fake reviews and such. This game deserves the $2.99 I paid for it. Every cent was more than worth it. Despite it being a semi-short (about 2 hours for the story) game, New Orbit is a great experience for anyone. Help an Indie studio out. Enjoy a great story. Feel the amazing physics. Just buy it already. New Orbit.
VodooChild about NEW ORBIT